111 boletín
martes, 14 febrero 2012 08:10 AM

'Pensions: the cost of claims, "the topic to discuss on the first day of reflection, 2012 Attorney General's Office and the IEMP


The Attorney General's Office, through its Division for Labour and Social Security, and the Institute of the Public Ministry, in partnership with the Research Center of the National University of Colombia, made on Thursday February 16 ( starting at 8 am) the day of reflection "Pensions: the cost of claims", in which the Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, Vice President of the Republic, Angelino Garzon, representatives of ministries Labor, Health and Welfare, and members of the Council of State and subject matter experts, will speak on the pension system in our country.

Simultaneously will be presented in the book "Pensions: the cost of lawsuits," by Professor Ricardo Bonilla, current Secretary of Finance of Bogota, through the Research Center of the National University.

The retreat was inspired by the challenge of the national government to provide assurances to the Colombians who transact their pensions, in the context of a reality marked by the high level of prosecution for recognition of this right.

The prosecution, headed by the Attorney General's Office, and promotes the development of studies on the problems and implementing solutions that involve expanding coverage, respect for acquired rights, the prosecution and reductions in speed and efficiency in processing pension.

This first day of reflection in 2012 complements in the previous year, which included topics such as the 'Law of reparation to victims and land restitution', 'Implications of the Public Safety Act in Colombia', 'New Anti-Corruption Statute "and" constitutional controversies "among others.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: martes, 14 febrero 2012 08:10 AM

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