454 boletín
jueves, 10 mayo 2012 04:39 PM

'Where once they could neutralize certain insinuations decisions, with me are wrong, "said Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado, from Antioquia


From Antioquia, in an official visit on Thursday that included chairing a forum on fighting corruption in Itagui, Attorney General's Office, Alejandro Ordóñez Maldonado commented on the penalty of dismissal and disability for 12 years imposed on the former mayor of Medellin Alonso Salazar.

The head of the Attorney General explained the reasons that supported the decision and said she was not the result that Mr. Salazar comply with the duty to report suspected criminal acts, but because the official, under this argument, usurped powers of other authorities clear political ends.

"They are punishing because as mayor made a score on criminal behavior apparently people who were in an electoral confrontation with the fraudulent purpose of interfering with the process," he said.

The attorney general said that in this process all the guarantees offered to the disciplined, who acknowledged having conducted research that were not part of his responsibilities as Mayor of the city of Medellin.

"There was a single event that had not been admitted by Mr. former mayor. At least not disputed. There was no single test that had not been enacted. Not a single witness who had not been collected. The reason cited to justify the interference in the electoral process was the failure of the supervisory bodies to investigate, apparently, a candidate's links to paramilitary groups. Then considered that the omission of the supervisory bodies of public complaint is justified, "said Dr. Ordonez.

Facing criticism from Mr. Salazar to the management of the attorney general and headed the institution, Dr. Ordonez was overwhelming to remember that the regulations unduly penalizing the political participation of public officials was not created by him. "It's from 2002, is a very serious offense. Neither the nature of the offense is created by the whim of the prosecutor. "

Finally, he said "I would not let me scare you, let me no less stigmatizing. I will not have to be caricaturing the role of the Attorney General. If before you could neutralize certain insinuations are wrong with me. "

Case of French journalist kidnapped by the FARC

Continuing investigations seeking to establish alleged disciplinary responsibilities in the case of French communicator Romeo Langlois, kidnapped by the FARC in the department of Caquetá, Attorney General revealed that a commission was created to focus on this case. The team visited the area and of the facts "to collect evidence for finding explanations for the presence of this reporter in military procedure," he said.

Proposed "conditional amnesty" to armed groups

On the proposal of the Attorney General's Office, Eduardo Montealegre, to facilitate any process to end the armed conflict in Colombia, declared Ordonez Attorney cautious and recalled the need to be clear about the real desire for peace to be able to turn to possibilities in the field.

"The experiences we have had peace processes in our national history have left many frustrations. I would prefer that these legal instruments are designed once you know the real desire for peace, because so far there is absolute darkness in the desire for peace by armed groups, especially the FARC. "

If that offended deputy Antioquia department of Chocó

Finally, the Attorney General's Office revealed that the Antioquia Regional evaluates the conduct of parliamentary deputy of that department, Rodrigo Mesa, who said "money that you will finish the Chocó is like adding a perfume to a bun."

"Public officials in the exercise of their functions and connection with them, act respectfully," stressed the head of the Public Ministry.

PGN | Fecha Publicación: jueves, 10 mayo 2012 04:39 PM

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