Boletín 306

rney General's Office confirmed dismissal and disability of 18 for seven councilors Yopal (Casanare)

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

In ruling on appeal, the Attorney General's Office, through the First Division for Administrative Supervision, confirmed the sanction of removal and general disqualification for a period of 18 years against Mr. Avella Oromairo Ballesteros, José Reinaldo Perez Piragauta, Luis Carlos Perez Barrera, Rafael Ernesto González Peña, Alejandro Barragan Unda, Germain Orozco Buitrago Barrera and Rafael Castro, in the capacity of councilors of the municipality of Yopal, Casanare, to the date of the facts.

For the disciplined were sanctioned for having forced through threats and intimidation of councilors also Gladys Sanabria Amparo Perez Gutierrez and Christopher Torres, that by incriminating videos autoincriminaran and members of the municipal administration of Yopal in a series of negotiations involving undue Mayor's contracting processes and the water and sewerage company, forcing them also to sign their respective letters of resignation and bills of exchange.

The facts were presented in April 2009, were held at the residence of one of those sentenced, Luis Carlos Perez, where the force exerted by these threats so that, similarly, could ensure that the council voted intimidated municipal agreement projects in the way the accused decide.

Failure was classified as very serious because it is contained in Article 48 of Law 734 of 2002, framed in the conduct alleged in the crime of violence against a public servant, in accordance with Article 429 of the Penal Code - Law 599 of 2000. The disciplined behavior was attributed them by way of fraud.

Against this decision no appeal, being exhausted administrative remedies.

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