Boletín 281

torney General's Office requested that the Board of Judgement of the Supreme Court to reject applications for invalidity raised by the defense of former Senator Ivan Moreno

Fuente: PGN
Fecha Publicación:

The Attorney General's Office requested that the Board of Judgement of the Supreme Court to reject applications for invalidity raised by the defense of former Senator Ivan Moreno in the criminal proceedings against him moves forward.

For the prosecution all the actions in a process have been advanced within the framework of the law, so there is no reason for the flourishing of nullity of the proceedings.

Considered throughout the process have been given all the guarantees rights of due process and defense.

In his speech, the delegate of the Attorney General said that nothing more unfortunate that the illicit defense of qualified testing consisting of recording the process provided by Mr. Miguel Nule, like emails Galofre close by Maurice, "when, in forced interpretation, invoking the nullity on the understanding that a violation of right to personal privacy and the privacy of communications. "

He noted that the evidence challenged by the defense as illegal, "can not derail the investigation because these were voluntarily surrendered by the protagonists of criminal conspiracy, but not for third intruders or invaders."

Also said that even if such evidence had been with wanted to seek benefits for collaboration, "in no way blurs their ability and incriminating evidence," and therefore requested to provide these forms of evidence law.

The decision of the Control Body occurred during the development of accomplished preliminary hearing this morning in the Supreme Court.

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